Small Fries™️

8 min readJan 7, 2021

All across America people are decompressing after yesterdays unfortunate events. So many of us cannot believe something like it would have happened in our lifetimes. We were in the midst of several historical democratic events. Then out of nowhere a breach of the Capitol in the middle of a session. All leading to a sight unseen finale in the middle of the night with alleged order. The House then reconvenes after hours to continue its affairs. The world awaits news on what happened to those people that forced the country into a standstill. Citizens are tweeting. Writers are in the room doing their best work. Politicians are picking up the pieces. Think tanks and bright minds are all working tirelessly. The board, conference and situation rooms are all fully booked. Everyone, everywhere all trying to make sense of what occurred yesterday. The pundits in disbelief. The spokespeople are wired. Americans as a collective are still in shock. There is a significant portion of us in shock about something like that happening of that magnitude. Outside of those remains a portion surprisingly proud that they saw an attempt to overthrow our government even half way through. There are words all a buzz this morning about treason and coup d’etat. We have also learned new ones like sedition and insurrection. Outside of all this talk, the comparisons and equivalencies to third worlds, banana republics and islands of castaway boys one has to wonder. Is this how a democracy ends? Do we let throngs of has beens, frat boys and online bullies destroy the foundation in which we were built? Above all, do we allow the terror called by other names to just go without consequences? Well it has been a full twenty four hour day in Washington; so from the outside in one would think so.

In prior historical failures and blunders, the execution was there yet flawed. Yesterday wasn’t one for the history books. I’ll give these wannabe insurgents credit. They do know how to get together. They just didn’t really understand the concepts around organizing. I believe they all secretly hoped for a rebellion of some sort maybe even a violent start to a futile revolution. However, there were too many defectors of their own ideologies in one place. Yesterday was not a white supremacist, terroristic or Republican undertaking. It was all of the above and then some. There were supremacists, terrorists, recluses, outcasts, loners and idiots with a myriad of grievances with America. There was one group angry at Black Lives Matter. There was another disinterested in the narrative around Defunding the Police. There were the Confederates for heritage sake who have no awareness of the Civil War. There was a small group of conspiracists and preppers who just wanted to confirm the world was burning for their own sake. There was probably a number of people who just wanted their jobs back that they lost five years ago. The Trumpeteers made up a small fraction of the crowds that created the melee. Ultimately, that small fraction is who breached the doors and made their way inside of the House. Inside they acted like pirates not the dignified, Christian, conservatives who wish to make America great again. They pillaged and plundered for all to see. I wouldn’t be surprised if they lifted their legs to piss on the American flag. They seemed so heady and unorganized as they moved about the federal building almost like meth heads. Later we would see them take photos as if they were invited on a tour. After the photo ops they tossed offices and collected souvenirs. They then paraded their keepsakes to the media and performed for the world to see. Surely someone forgot to do all the things. The things that come along with a coup.

No one represented themselves as the leader. No one made requests or demands. No one took any hostages. No one actually got anything for the group. They had zero agenda other than fanfare and disruption. To be honest, calling them a mob or saying they enacted an attack is a tad much. At best they were a Confederate reenactment army comprised of raggedy soldiers without proper shoes. Just a bunch of pretending vagabonds, out of work and in need a wage and or a fight. The entire fiasco was small fries. Trust me I feel terrible about the correlations people made to their sad attempt and others real efforts. They were not held accountable for their inaction. They were hailed as something they weren’t in a fucked up way. As many echoed today, we as in Black people have been killed for less. In our well organized, planned out and properly executed events of non-violent protest, awareness campaigns and avenging marches we were always met at the door with violent counter forces. Barely a month ago before we could even hit the streets in opposition to the inevitable death and contrived acquittals we have grown accustomed to entire federal complexes were boarded up and guarded. Most instances the poor soul who had been killed without warrant or warning wasn’t even cold or in the ground yet and there was a defensive roadblock in our way. We didn’t revolt, we stayed the path and we did what we could the best way we could with whatever entity clouding our mission. Police. Feds. Antifa. Trumpeteers. Randoms. They were the ones turning our peace into violence and misconstruing our purpose with looting and vandalism. Many of these rogue people who tried to ruin our honest work were vandalizing to an extent assuming we would be accused instead of them. They defaced our own memorials. They looted Black owned businesses. They purposely misspelled their graffiti. They even got our buzz words wrong when trying to speak on our behalf. For years now, there has always been someone foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog because we have sat or kneeled through the national anthem. The reaction to our composure is always out of line, irrational and inherently violent. The polar opposite to us and our cause no matter how we go about change.

We are not responsible for these people. We shouldn’t be invested or remotely interested in their imitation gone wrong. Am I really supposed to feel bad that some of these people were shot and killed? I don’t even measure the potential of death and destruction that could have been if it were us. And I don’t care to debate about how we couldn’t do what they did or that we should have been the ones to try it. Sometimes we as Black people just have to sit on our hands and let others do their own work for a change. It is not our responsibility to clean it up or to analyze it. I will never compare the resilience we possess to the cowardliness they fail up with. Everyone including the government knew all these wanna be radical groups were teeming with misplaced anger and frustration. They expected for them to commit violent acts and try to overpower our democracy until the President put on their muzzle. Funny how something as simple as a club let out requires militarized cops but a federal place of government can be overtaken at 2pm on a Wednesday. Some say it was an inside job where the police and our President were complicit. And of course anyone who incited these idiots knew D.C. could only be governed by the federal government itself which was hiding under chairs or playing golf. This is why for hours this went on with zero involvement of any kind from law enforcement or our military. Even if these groups had legally gathered in protest and things just randomly got out of hand, there was no presence to prevent that in the first place. It was as if all the guard dogs were all on their lunch break. There is also video and photos of the security that was in place basically walking people through the chambers. In my opinion, they simply did their job of making sure plain clothed visitors get from point a to b. It was all so American and oblivious. It was a free, guided tour with exclusive access to everything including assistance up and down stairs and access to unaware politicians.

At best, for most of us this was a quick scare and a comedic end to a trying day. We were all on edge about the votes being counted, the Georgia seats and the verdict in Wisconsin. Many more were concerned about Covid, their stimulus checks and the Winter storms passing through. Arguably the American people were distracted and so was our government. So this allowed for all of these groups to choose the perfect day to try something bold. It could have been worse but it never would have amounted to more than it did. They tried to create pipe bombs that were all detected before detonation. They tried to throw off the count which reconvened anyways securing a Biden Harris White House in less than two weeks. All they successfully did is get their own kind killed and reignite a lot of shame in the current administration as it stands. Jan 6th is no D-Day and those toothless fuckers were no armed mercenaries. Of course I am livid that the majority of them got to walk away from that event and go home undetected. But my revenge is having a Dem controlled Senate, a restored administration and more heat on the GOP’s ass. The consolation prize would be an additional $2,000 in my bank account, the arrest of Donald J. Trump and the cancelling of all student loans. If I had to take one I would be fine with an arrest and exile of worlds biggest loser and if his gang of followers wanted to join so they can mine coal, drink Diet Coke and have Confederate flags on their own lil island of star bellies, so be it.

This isn’t a think piece. I am just reminding everyone that you can redact that part of that day from your life. It doesn’t have to be in the history books. Everyone can stop trying to drum up an intellectual conclusion. We can look past it. In essence, we already have as these same people are in the grocery store choosing ripen cantaloupe like the rest of us. You can spend all day trying to decode the ignorance or you can forget it ever happened. So what, a few hillbillies broke down a door and walked into an opulent house of government with their eyes wide and fingers sticky. These people aren’t representative of white people, Americans or Republicans. These people are the scum of the Earth and they have literally nothing to live for. They ultimately risked their lives and the lives of others for nothing. No one took off in a helicopter with a million dollars. Pence didn’t sign their MAGA hats. The coal mines and Ford plants didn’t open back up and give them their jobs. At best, they damaged their steal toed boots and will go home to stale beer and Appalachian clay. I couldn’t give two Dumbo elephant ear fucks about them and whatever that was that supposedly happened. Be honest, we all feel the same way.




Things are very strange & profound and I am going to write about them