Unpopular Opinions on Covid19

27 min readApr 13, 2020

I returned to the States a few days before Thanksgiving. The week prior I was in a shelter of sorts. The week before that I was involved in probably the 17th argument with my husband in twelve days. This one was enough to make me walk out of my marriage and go back home. I had been gone about three years and much longer from here because I’m the black sheep. I immediately dove into a mediocre job and kept my head down. Of course being off the grid I wasn’t eligible for proper healthcare or any handouts and I knew I would have to eventually go back to my real life despite my issues with it. The goal was to empower myself to not have to deal with the trials of marriage anymore. That could be returning with my own priorities or having an international divorce. And at first I was terribly distracted by that then my work and all the obligations to others drowned that out. I had disappointed so many people and continually managed to forget about myself. Then a friend booked me a ticket to Cali and it was a first for me. I had already seen the world but hadn’t gone farther west than Denver. I figured what was the harm in seeing something new when I felt I had seen it all. I was looking for perspective and reflection. Then the virus came. I wound up traveling anyways on the heels of my return to Europe. I had trained it into Charlotte, flying into Boston, then San Jose where time stood still. On March 1st, a sunny Sunday we walked the farmers market, had brunch, drove down to Half Moon Bay and planned to end the evening at a friends wine bar. All my peers had moved here from the East Coast and now I was switching from coconut prawns and lobster rolls to avocado stacks and artisanal kombucha. I absolutely loved every minute of it. It was the last glimmer of freedom we didn’t know we had. On the drive back from the coast, a causal stop by Trader Joe’s was the first showing of humanity’s inevitable downfall. Pretty much all of Silicon Valley had wound up clearing the shelves of TJ’s and Target in Santa Clara Valley. And I was there in my stupid cashmere sweater with fear in my eyes staring into an empty soap aisle. Thankfully, I had already prepared for this back home at my mothers and told my husband to outfit our apartment for my return. All I had was time and I had read every prediction, listened to the projections and expected panic. But now I was vacationing in the first place to have a patient zero who had never traveled or been exposed to anyone so it was somewhere just teeming. I had a layover in Denver with another friend and the panic hadn’t hit there yet. It all came in waves and by the fifth day of my vacation there was the first case in my state. Then my flight to Germany was cancelled, as well as another flight I booked and it occurred to me I would be here for an eternity. So I hunkered down in my mothers post war house with no heady thoughts on my marriage or any real responsibilities. All I have is social media, news outlets and a global roster of friends who tell me what is going on over there. This is the most isolated from the world I have ever been and the forced separation from my husband is karmic. The differences between the world and I are stark. And maybe my solitude has lead to some wild perspectives around boundaries and consequences. But at this point my pessimism is what is keeping me alive. I don’t bother others with my thoughts because I tried to warn people and was deemed paranoid. If the below came out of my mouth during these days and times I know full and well what response I would get.

Social Distancing is not working as intended

She lives by a golf course. These people are playing golf like crazy. Golf is not a game you typically play alone or in a pair. Golf is also not essential. It is a lazy mans social gathering that involves a lot of people in order for you to play. You need someone to manage the grounds, drive those dumb cars around, carry clubs and more. It is an operation similar to a museum having a coat check and gift shop or a theme park having food and beverage services. There are way too many people having way too many heavy interactions and to keep them functioning it requires all of the above. Shut em’ down! Our state created this mandate which will inevitably change on Monday … it was supposed to be an addendum for social distancing. More non essential things were to close yet the golf club remains open, Starbucks, the donut shop and every pawn shop. Stores were supposed to provide sanitizer and disinfectants. The were supposed to designate one single entrance and exit. They were supposed to have customers queue for store entry. They were supposed to turn away children and provide all adults in your party with their own freshly sanitized cart. This way they could count the individuals heading inside to ensure they stayed under 50 person occupancy at all times. An attendant would walk the queue keeping waiting shoppers six feet apart. Many store representatives would walk the store and front ends enforcing social distancing. This worked about two hours around here. It sort of works at smaller stores but Wally Whirl is having so many logistical issues. Long story short … customers just do not give a fuck. And maybe that is because it is Easter weekend and although everyone is encouraging that you stay at home, only leave for essentials and do not socialize with people who do not reside in your household … people still want to have Easter dinner, attend Easter Mass and best yet allow their children to socialize with other children to collect germ covered plastic eggs at Easter egg hunts. So the stores are crowded, people are going under and moving stanchions, they are pushing & shoving and no one is wearing a fucking mask. I personally went to multiple stores today, I sat in my car watching the mayhem and I came home empty handed. I was mortified. Even Aldi which started these practices before the mandate was failing hard. So what the carts are now free, there is an attendant sanitizing them and dispensing them from a distance… this exact thing meant to help was drawing a crowd. People were still trying to give the guy their quarters and people returning carts couldn’t just leave them for him to collect. So there was a cluster fuck of unprotected and ignorant people crowding both the entrance and exit. It makes me wonder are we dumb or are we just dumber than before?

Empathy cannot be crowd funded … ever

I have never and will continue to not promote preventable yet historical events. I am not supporting your cause. I am not donating to whatever fund. I am not changing my profile image. I do not pray for myself let alone entire countries. As we see from above the downloading of filters to tell people to stay home in every language under the sun is unduly. I also do not do chat snaps or story instas or stats whatsapps. There is nothing that will compel me to feel sorry for or care to create awareness for things like lung cancer, terrorist events, climate change, two party voting or social distancing guidelines. I do feel sorry for those affected but can’t I channel that energy into real action and or preventative measures? Surely, there are matters that are important to me. I do not like people calling the police on people because they have instilled fear about skin color. I do not like women’s rights being obstructed or exploited. I despise the electoral college. I am throughly disappointed and maybe overly passionate about a lot of things but I can change things on my feet. I vote. I sign petitions. I volunteer. I stay at home. I do not fight the system but I am sure there are people that do without stickers. I highlight those people and support them because I want to no more no less.

Black people are not being exterminated by this or anything else …

I am not speaking for all of us because I am not all of us. However, I am fine. My immediate and extended family are also fine. Our families, peers and colleagues who are Black are just fine too. And we all know that we are pre-disposed to certain things so we are not invincible. We do not want to risk our lives for our livelihoods although many people are doing exactly this. They are exposing themselves to this because they are choosing to. There is no silent killer solely affecting my people. This and everything else will never be exclusive to killing only us. Everyone is susceptible to things like obesity, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure and heart disease. These ailments are not synonymous with being Black. None of the above discriminates and obesity is not the price of admission. Surely, the topic of all of this as it pertains to race is a slippery slope but follow me with my own personal examples. My mother has never drank or smoke, wore anything above a size 6 or missed a single doctors appointment. She now has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, has survived stage IV cancer and weighs in at around 120lbs. I am obese (on paper), an avid drinker and have never had as much of a broken bone. My blood pressure is low, I have never had cholesterol issues and I am a metabolic anomaly after five plus years on hormones. I cannot lose weight. My mother cannot gain. I was a vegetarian for over a decade and my exposure to a diet revolving around soy has wrecked havoc on my reproductive and endocrine systems. My mothers idea of a meal is a gas station hot dog and that stent of cancer was related to not removing her tonsils. We both have our reasons for wanting to avoid people during this time but the silent killer isn’t really chasing us. I had a rapid hormonal weight gain but my BMI defies statistics. My mother is a fucking cyborg and runs off fumes. If this thing is killing people that look like us who happen to eat garbage and cannot make it up a flight of stairs … death was inevitable. We also have no socio economic disparities or lack adequate healthcare. I am not endorsing Kanye but a lot of this first world 21st century shit is a choice. Yes, there is a great amount of us succumbing to this thing but the notion that a lifestyle change today will change our tomorrow is futile. I mean the majority of us are relying upon others who are just now figuring out how to properly wash their hands. You want to address my people and disparities please tell your own kind to start with that.

They have always dumped milk and other surplus agriculture …

Because everyone so-called “panic” bought grocery and household goods the supply chain is out of wack. The stores responded to this but this all happened at a very weird time. Firstly, it is Easter so the influx of things like asparagus, ham, green beans and eggs have already been allocated. If you panic bought them all weeks ago, you probably don’t need any now and especially so now that Easter is officially cancelled. Even Peeps said their orders were already fulfilled. Now that we are all social distancing, on lockdowns and or have curfews no one is buying the Peeps. In order to move them stores are pushing them. Eggs went from normal pricing to constrained to heavily discounted. Most dairy and produce is now priced this way. Because if you do not buy it due to legality reasons it all must be trashed. You cannot peddle expired dairy to the less fortunate or homeless under any circumstances. Theres not only the question of getting someone sick but why would a company waste the money and effort to transport large supplies of unsold, spoiled milk. So a lot of waste starts at the farm due to regulations and standards. Farms dump their unprocessed milk, their old eggs, their too small chicken breasts and their ugly crops of fruit & veg all the time.

There is no need to correlate panic buying to a wasted saturation of replenished groceries. We are just conspiracy speculating out of sheer ignorance and boredom. If people knew just how much stuff we wasted before the general public set eyes upon it I bet our overall consumption would change asap. Things do rot and spoil. Transport requires gas and manpower. Distribution has risk and consumers sue. So as much as entities would like not to get caught dumping raw milk into empty fields they also cannot afford to give it away. It is an ironic, maddening and never ending cycle for those in production and philanthropy. Even once you wrap your head around it you will see there is no resolution. Just know this was an existing problem that many, many people have tried to solve well before now. There are statistics about this and you’ll find them around your favorite words i.e. sustainability, supply chain, food scarcity, consumerism, consumption and capitalism.

People are absolutely disgusting and will continue to be disgusting …

A lot of people do not wash their hands. They do not wash them at home. They do not wash them in public. They do not wash them before or after taking their meals. They do not wash them after using the restroom. I personally wash my hands before and after using the restroom. I am mindful that I have a crater in my body and my fingers sometimes bypass the paper and or sanitary product I am using. I wash my hands regardless of if I am at home, at a friends, at work or using a public restroom. I wash my hands multiple times throughout the day. I will typically wash my hands before I brush my teeth simply because I will floss. So I will generally wash, brush, wash, floss and then wash my hands again. I do this so routinely it doesn’t bother me and I don’t consider it compulsive or strange. I do this when traveling. I do this after a lunch break. So I brush my teeth and floss multiple times a day and along with that goes hand washing. I do not need to be reminded or taught this. People that are having trouble with this or the simple fact that hand washing prevents the transmission of germs have NEVER washed their hands to begin with. They do not have soap on hand. Twenty seconds is an eternity for them. They will remain this way now and forever.

And guess what?

They also do not wash poultry. They do not clean regularly used surfaces. The don’t change their sheets often let alone their pillowcases. They have no idea what it looks like to cleanse their belongings. They have never disinfected their shoes or washed their hair brushes. They do not notice when their children’s backpacks and lunchbags are filthy. They do not concern themselves with germs on their purses, cell phones or car keys. They do not know that flossing is important. A lot of people rely upon doctors, salons and other services to do this sort of stuff for them. They do not wash their hair in between appointments. They do not launder their own shirts. They do not worry about plaque. They expect others to do this for them. They have never washed their reusable bags. They put it all directly into the dishwasher or better yet into a soapy rinse in their never washed sink. They use the same dish towel for drying things and the occasional spill be it dog bowl water or e.coli. They do not wash the bagged salad. They do not vacuum the seats in their car. They have never washed their slipcover or took the liner out of their baby’s carseat. They seldom look up at their vent ducts or ceiling fan blades. They have gone from work, clocking out, driving, direct to Burger King and they will eat and suck every finger tip and clock right back in. So if you function like them even to the the slightest degree you have been and will get sick. And you can either stay in a bubble or wash your fucking hands. And know that is only one eighth of the battle.

N95 masks were readily available at the height of the public health crisis …

PPE is not a medical professional right nor is it exclusive to them. A nurse or doctor can choose to protect themselves how ever they personally see fit. Have you ever seen someone remind another physician to put on gloves? Better yet have you seen a sandwich artist put on gloves to make your sandwich only to ring you out with said gloves? So in both scenarios someone, anyone can choose to protect themselves and the person they are serving. If your employer is ill equipped you may find yourself choosing to keep that job while demanding protection. If they won’t provide it, you can complain, quit or become responsible for your own protection. Teachers buy crap for their classrooms every single school year. It isn’t expected that they do this. They just do. They figure out the best outlets for what they need, they expense it from their own incomes and they do it year after year.

So why don’t doctors and those on the front lines do it?

If I could go into a store as late as mid February and buy masks, gloves etc why can’t they? If things seemed low or non existent couldn’t someone, anyone have brought that up? Or is it such a mindless thing to just expect the PPE to be there and in such quantities for proper use. As in per patient, no more than two hour use. I used to work in a hair salon where we constantly counted the amount of foil on hand. Of course it was imperative we never ran out. There isn’t a Karen in the world that will tolerate a highlight two foils short. We counted against standing appointments, the what if walk-in scenarios and upcoming events like holidays or prom. There were times when money and or supplies were constrained. A slow season, an ailing supplier and we just had to make due. So sometimes one of the stylists would have to run to a neighborhood beauty supply and just get foils. And no one donated us any because we ran out. And we didn’t blame it on anyone but ourselves.

Truth be told I bought, not panic bought, masks and gloves through March. They were sitting there, in plain sight and not gouged or a fluke. Publix had industrial boxes of gloves under the dishwashing pairs. Hardware stores had masks near the paint. Even Walmart had a mask and goggle kit for under $10. These things were readily available. They were normally priced. They exist all the time. Yes, N95 masks even those made by 3M were just swinging on shelves for months. I bought some, not all and I have used them in traveling and for the now pandemic. I didn’t wait and I didn’t hoard. I bought them just like someone would go to buy more ground coffee and see a new flavor to try. They were there. So no I don’t feel bad for those in any field looking for whatever their employer may not be able to provide. Especially those making six figures and constantly reminding me about my BMI. If I can change my eating habits and opt for the healthy stuff, youz guys can drop by the household aisle and get your own N95s.

Oh and as for making them on your hobbyist printers or sewing machines. I commend all of you. What I don’t appreciate is the majority of you actually selling them. Now that is just tsk tsk. Most of the designs were provided by asks who are expecting you to donate them. I mean after all you do have the tools as well as the time. You do not need to be compensated for good. God, I hate people.

America barely manufactures things let alone innovates or engineers …

America’s manufacturing and its resources are all off shore. The people who work for our companies abroad aren’t better off. The jobs have been outsourced because they can pay them less and make them work more. The goods or services they create are then shipped back to us. And most of these out sourcing American companies are cushioned by subpar labor laws, tax breaks and bailouts. So most everything is sold back to us at a premium after traveling the long journey back from whence it came. Your medication is from Germany. Your wine is from France. Your clothing and much everything else is from China. And while these companies may have gotten a financial and management break in doing this right now they are paying the price. The supplies we know and love are trapped overseas in shuttered warehouses, sitting in customs or on the water awaiting next steps. This isn’t the consumer or client or patients fault. This is America’s fault for outsourcing it all to begin with. There was a time when we were the innovators and we set the tone for manufacturing and distribution. Then we got lazy, greedy and rusty so we rely upon the outside world for every single thing. It is embarrassing. And we as a nation must learn to stop bashing these outlets as we don’t have much choice as international beggars. Right now we are begging for masks, tests and the vaccination and but we are ourselves are equipped. We just ignore the fact that there are bright minds and capable organizations right here at home.

There has never been touch free anything … hands have touched almost everything you touch

I am sorry but there are no guarantees your delivered grocery or carry out pizza went handsfree. If you think that is remotely possible you are an idiot. And please know I am being polite. Yeah chain restaurants have processes that can be touch free but they never really abide. I mean sometimes those metal shovels get stuck in fast food and a hand is required to shift that burger just so. Most pizza boxes are folded by hand or at least opened by hand and sometimes that touch free pizza gets a lil shove by a finger for the sake of time. A live person is selecting your delivered grocery and they are in the store in proximity to the rest of us. I actually talked with an in-store shopper the other day. He asked could he get by me to select someones cucumbers. He did so without a mask or gloves and he got very close to me. I happened to be wearing a mask and gloves. He put those cukes in a bag which was in a box filled with lots of bags and boxes. He then pushed his lil cart of your elitist grocery all through the store of us throngs. Some random person who also transports their demon seeds and pets is going to pick up that grocery for you and place it in their germ filled vehicle. And guess what if you shopped at Aldi that person is going to put your loose shit in their trunk just to place it on your doorstep where people stand with their shoes. Yeah you aren’t special because you pay someone else to do your dirty work or you’re not single handedly keeping that neighborhood spots open. You are just making double the hands go out of their homes to put hands all over your stuff. It would be so much easier to just go to the store yourself or learn how to use the pizza setting on your own oven. It would be free too. Now if you just so happen to fall into a category where you cannot shop for yourself or prepare your own meals by all means please do whatever you have to do. But also remember that you were in that same position for how ever long you have been and there may be a better solution (probably the one you used before this pandemic) than false hope.

Unemployment sites normally ignore incoming claims and you will eventually get through …

The people that have social services know — these websites do not work, calls go unanswered and mailings take forever. Applying for unemployment has always been like this. We that have slept sideways know this. Those of you that have worked all your lives and have never fell upon hard times before don’t. First, I will tell you it isn’t you. You are fully capable of doing this. Your network is fine. You are reading things correctly. The site navigation and language was created to confuse you. Keep in mind you do not want job advice, need classes or want resources. You wish to start a claim for unemployment. You have to certify that claim once it is accepted and you must do so weekly. You can do this at midnight of whatever date you are required to submit your job searches. All that is required is the job location, address, title and a contact number. You typically have all of this in your job listings. You may have to map a physical address and or a contact number. Unemployment is probably never going to check this. But you have to provide it so just take notes. You will probably never get a call back or interview from 90% of these jobs. Just let them know you applied and are awaiting feedback. To make this weekly process easier on yourself just upload a resume to a job listing site and apply for several companies that use recruiters. This way every day you get a list of applicable positions and whether you consider them on not; you can apply to them with one click and very easily you will have your minimum five prospects a week. Now when it comes to pending claims and denials, please just roll with the punches. No matter what the fuck that unemployment site says log on every week as told and add in your five jobs you applied for. Why? Because the moment you do not do this regardless of status they will not pay you.

If you feel like you aren’t entitled to unemployment based on what it says on the screen, more than likely you still are. If you have been fired, laid off, furloughed etc due to no fault of your own you are entitled. If you feel you haven’t been at that job long enough you have still been working elsewhere before that job and paying into unemployment benefits so you are entitled. If you have six months of combined work you can apply. If you work in retail or hospitality and your hours and or tips have decreased, you can apply. If you walk into work and they tell you that you are on-call or have 0 hours this week but next week will change, you can apply. If you quit a job due to harassment or bullying of any kind (and can prove this), you can apply. You do not have to be an hourly or salaried full time employee for twenty years at the same job to apply for unemployment benefits. If they ask for paystubs, provide them. If they ask for a hearing, act interested. Whatever you do while going through the motions keep looking for work even if you know there is a 2000% chance you will never work again. And if you are being paid by them and get a job, keep that payment going until you are working and have a steady paycheck. You can lose a job during the hiring process. You can lose a job while training for it. You can lose a job before your first paycheck. You can earn a paycheck and it not come or better yet it bounces. Only officially cancel your unemployment (and whatever social services you have) when your job and income is secure again.

Oh and contact your previous employers insurance provider and or Obamacare and adjust your income. If you are making nothing, don’t just settle for Cobra. If you are unemployed, your claim is approved and you have a partial income that is a change in income. Any change should be reported to your benefit provider especially if the change is detrimental to your household. Same goes for any other social service that is willing to supplement your hardship. A community resource, a charity or a social service center — ride that unemployment status until the wheels fall off.

It’s takes 3 to 6 cups of flour to make bread and most bags of flour hold 20 cups …

I buy a lot of flour. I personally like my own home cooking and baked goods. For me, the idea of wanting something sweet is met with baking. I keep cocoa, butter, flour, eggs, vanilla etc on hand in large quantities so if I want brownies or a friggin pound cake at 2am I can have it. I love the joy of baking. I am also experienced and there isn’t much about a recipe or project that I can mess up. So when I go to get more flour it may appear as if I am hoarding. I am not. I keep one container on the counter and another in the freezer. Sometimes I may bake for work so I will purchase way more than usual. I also do experiment but successfully, so in my home I have various Thai flours, wheat flour, cake flours, coconut and tapioca flours. These are for specific recipes and they never go to waste. I make dumplings, biscuits, pies, cobblers, gravies, roux etc. I require flour as a staple. So imagine the person that isn’t me right now. The person caught in-between pandemic shopping and gifted sourdough starters. That person is buying a lot of flour too. They are buying yeast. They are are getting eggs. I want to believe they only intend to try making bread. Because 9 times out of 10 they are fucking that up. I want to commend them for trying but now is not the time. If you waste a bag of flour and multiple packs of yeast trying to make bread and you keep failing … baking isn’t for you. And I would be delighted to bake you a loaf, right on the first try, and give it to you. So please for fucks sake leave that shit on the shelf for us trained and highly favored home cooks and bakers.

Barbs and Karens are crazy but stores do not make it any better

I have encountered some ruthless white women in stores since this all began. Women that are nipping at my heels with their carts or shoving past me grazing my person let alone my personal space. I have come to a realization that maybe the news out of Chicago, New Orleans and Detroit is making them feel if they are in close proximity to persons of color they can harm us. Dude, we are going to make so many babies during this thing we really do not care. But we are very aware of how our space is getting invaded. It falls in the same wheelhouse as being interrupted by one of them to provide an unsolicited statement “Oh aren’t you gals having a lot of fun” to being skipped in a line to hear “I am sorry, I didn’t see you standing there” … we are always dreading these moments. We do not want your backhanded compliments or to engage in any conflict. Now it is the pandemic shuffle we must concern ourselves with and the phenomenon is real. I have witnessed someone get so close to me and follow me from check out to check out when there were a bazillion self checkout lanes. Her and her useless boyfriend buying one pack of makeup removing wipes. I had over $160 of grocery and required a cashier and I am being chased by an idiot with just that. No, they had to be the two acting like it was just any other Tuesday with no protective gear and loudly complaining about having to wait in line … to my neck. No one looked up and said go over there. No one asked them why would they complain over that. There was this creepy entitlement that came with her needing that right now no matter what and it was condoned by everyone. I would love to remind people that online pickups are available to them but as it turns out so many of those convenient and safer options are disabled at the moment. Target is playing around with it. Walmart is playing around too. If she had ordered it online to be shipped home it would have taken forever and costed so much in shipping. But maybe they need to designate a space for people making idiot purchases during this time. And maybe these angry shopping types that shove carts and stand at the Fancy Feast assortment way too long need to be told this is not the fucking time. And don’t even get me started with the one I saw shop with her Ikea bag which was questionable and then race to the car with it filled with three 18 packs of eggs. Just running though the store filling er up dragging it along the floor. Gross.

Coronavirus is old but this strain and its many mutations are all new …

Yes, the Lysol and Clorox cleaners list Coronavirus as something it can kill. It also lists H1N1, Flu and HIV. This is great. You could have been using this for decades and missed out on all those horrible stomach bugs and common colds. Thankfully for me I have already been spraying our remotes, knobs and pulls for the majority of my natural born life. And did you know they make tiny bottles and wipes of this shit so you can take it on the go for dining out, your car, airplanes and public restrooms!? Let me remind you this strain of Coronavirus is new so you can use this as apart of your normal household and travel disinfecting routine. You can also just put bleach in water. There are so many spray bottles just waiting for a new home. So many travel containers. So many wipe holders. So many lil 3.4 ounce tubes. Just mix something up that isn’t a bomb and use it and wash your hands!

The medical system sucks and needs this to reform

Right now New York is requesting back up in the form of nurses and physician assistants. They are paying googobs of money to those willing to get in the trenches. Yes, if you’re a nursing student or a CNA you can negotiate immediate work for as high as $45 an hour. That is a 150% increase in entry level hourly pay. RN’s and PA’s forget about it as most are being offered as high as $1100 an hour and a $25,000 sign on bonus. If someone worked a few weeks and quit they could pay off a good chunk of their student debt, put a down payment on a home or buy a new car all cash. If they can afford the liability as well as the payroll I wonder why couldn’t they offer this sort of pay to begin with? Meanwhile administrators who are not on the front lines are bringing home six figures a year but the person who is caring for my grandparent or child only makes $14 an hour with an average student debt starting around $30,000. Hmmmm?

Oh in Europe where people rely upon neighborhood practices and pharmacies for their medical needs it is worse. I guess with those establishments being closed and hospitals now overran people just die at home. And if they opt to die at home they aren’t apart of the numbers and statistics. So from the outside looking in we believe Europe is doing something better than us. Sure, the ERs have more ICU beds and ventilators. And you all allow people to die at home all the time. You do not provide pain management. You cannot self treat. So if you wake up with a 39 Celsius fever in Spain, France, Italy or Germany you have a better chance at dying in your own bed which makes your universal healthcare look pristine. In reality, your hospitals are outdated, your primary offices are overwhelmed daily and people suffer a lot. Meanwhile they pay into a system that keeps doctors and politicians well fed. So does that model really work? All the European numbers are flawed while everyone responsible are in their summer homes. Asia may have started out all wrong but they got this right.

Communist Socialist healthcare is not why Chinese people are enjoying firework celebrations. They are over this thing in 72 days because of submission. The government demanded people stayed home, they incentivized the quarantine with free food and resources and when people did leave home they used technology to trace them. The United States is tiny in comparison with a lot less structural and political issues. We are totally capable of managing our public health and getting our citizens to align with new and better practices. But we don’t want to be a dictatorship nor do we want to do anything with collective finances or effort. We just can’t give away anything for free. Even the loans, stimulus checks and deferments will be reallocated from taxes and other red tape. We cannot even get a free test to figure out if we are just mindlessly spreading this shit from person to person. So if there is a vaccination for this in 2021 by all means track the shit out of those who revisit society. Public health should have been a priority and we have the means of implementing contact tracing and integrating it with our already remarkable yet shitty digitized healthcare. But someone has to take one for the team. The idea that local municipalities, state lawmakers and the federal government our eBay-ing our health priorities is quite Fascist. I mean people are dying and it seems as if on purpose.

5G has been in fruition and was probably installed around you over a year ago …

5G is here or so we were told. We kept having connectivity issues in the house. It was like LTE was working and then it was just gone. And we didn’t have WiFI because it wasn’t necessary. We frequented enough places to access that. We were told due to the set up of 5G services would be intermittent. We didn’t experience anything but frustration. Eventually they provided a box to chime into LTE satellites. It was all sketchy but it worked. And from what I remember when they set up 4G LTE it was the same experience. We were always reverting to Edge and we thought the house was a dead zone. I don’t know. Maybe we are all confined to our houses so they can set this shit up. But I will tell you I feel fine and Facebook still lets me know way later that my status has posted. Whatever it is … it has been here and it doesn’t really work. Seriously, this fucked narrative must be stopped.

Pandemic Byline:

I have voluntarily stayed indoors since March 5th. I seldom leave for groceries and nothing is more than two miles from the house albeit we are in the middle of nowhere. My mother and I take turns. In total I have been out eight times. Twice to take the dog to the vet. To pick up my rental car to go to IAD only to return it the next day when my flight was cancelled. All other times for grocery and twice just to pick up my mothers prescriptions. I follow no routine. I sleep when I want. When the stars align I talk to my husband who is working from home. To spice things up I have began gardening, playing JustDanceNow and watching Hulu which is not available overseas. I also have two library books which I can’t really return … one on beginners Deutsch and another on America’s food scarcity issues. My temperature has never been more than 97.8 Fahrenheit. Fin.




Things are very strange & profound and I am going to write about them